

Recovery Operations and Acquisition of Assets
SBARCIL’s objective is to resolve the impaired assets. Banks and Financial Institutions are the major source for these assets. SBARCIL will acquires non-performing assets (NPAs) from them for a consideration so that Banks’ / Financial Institutions’ Books remain clean of NPAs and they can concentrate on their core business in future.
SBARCIL has already acquired sizable NPAs from various Banks and Financial Institutions. Banks / Financial Institutions which are providing secured financial assistance to Companies, which have become stressed assets over a period of time, may consider entrusted such stressed assets to SBARCIL for effective resolution.

Engaged in recovery on behalf of Govt. & Nationalized banks in structured manner, we belive firmly in Recovering Public Money remaining in four corners of LAW.

  • The BM (bank) shall officially entrusted the case to Recovery indicating date of entrustment.
  • The entrusted case will be handled by us for minimum of one year and can be extended further for one year with mutual consent if recovery is not forthcoming.
  • If recovery starts within the above period, the case shall be handled by us till the closing of A/C or by mutual consent.
  • Once the account is entrusted to us, the service charges will be payable without any discretion, view or opinion.
  • In case of any compromise/penal action/relaxation or settlement a view/recommendation of recovery managers should be obtained.
  • All service charges will be payable on the actual recovery irrespective of the loan amount duration.